
Branding communicates not just what a business or organization does, but what it values. When people experience a brand they think, feel and act based on what they see – because branding has power.

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  • Brand Development

    Whether its new, old or having a midlife crisis, every brand needs direction. We help people consider their brand at every step in the process, making sure their brand grows with a company and isn’t left behind.

  • Logo & Identity

    A logo and visual identity are oftentimes the first experience people have with a brand – we want to make this experience align with the meaning and vision of the brand.

  • Naming

    Your name communicates part of your story. We work through a process to find the right name by talking to you, your people, your clients and other individuals connected to your mission and vision.

  • Style Guide

    Brands need to be consistent. We help you establish and maintain your brand through a style guide that makes communicating about your brand simple and straightforward.

StoryHook is not bound by conventional ideas or processes. They tailored their service to match our expectations which resulted in a campaign that imbued BVH. They guided the process well, speaking candidly when they had to and softly when the gentle nudge was all we needed. We are thankful they matched and, at times, elevated our rigor and passion.

Mark Bacon - Design Director & Senior Associate

BVH Architecture